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Kingsnorth Primary School

KingsnorthChurch of England Primary School

Wildlife Cameras

'See Nature' School Projects


We are so excited to have the opportunity to learn more about the wildlife that is 'on our doorstep'. We feel very privileged to be working so closely with 'See Nature' and look forward to what we can view on the cameras over the coming months! 

Birdbox/Feeder Camera
The Schools’ Bird Box project is an opportunity to stream and share live video of the birds that visit their nesting box and feeders all year round. Watch during the nesting season amazing live video of eggs hatching and chicks growing before they fledge and leave the nest.

Interested in supporting the work of the British Trust for Ornithology? Then find out how as a See Nature Bird Box School you can take part next year in The Trust’s Nest Box Challenge, Garden Birdwatch and Bird Tracking surveys

Beebox Camera
Our native bee population is in decline. Help farmers and producers to address this trend by adding to native bee stocks. Red Mason bees are solitary bees that unlike bumble and honey bees do not sting and therefore do not possess a threat to young children.

Fit a webcam Red Mason Bee Box on an outer school wall and watch between March and July live video of the female Red Mason Bee lining her nest and laying eggs that will grow and pupate before hatching the following spring.

Each female Red Mason bee will lay in a year up to 40 eggs. So play your part in this campaign and donate your excess bee stock to local fruit and vegetable famers.

Birdbox/Feeder Camera

To view the camera located in our bird box or on the bird feeder (time of year dependent) please click on the link here. (currently offline)

Our NEW Bee Box Camera

To view the camera located in our newly installed bee box (time of year dependent) please click on the link here. (currently offline)