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Kingsnorth Primary School

KingsnorthChurch of England Primary School

CPD Events

Upcoming free CPD 

Governor Briefing - Reading Framework

Aimed at governors leading English, phonics and or reading. This webinar will provide governors with an overview of the latest guidance from the DfE about reading in EY, KS1 and KS2.

26th February @6pm

Book here:


Power of Poetry

Aimed at ECT's, Class Teachers and English subject leads. Join UKLA Roger Macdonald for an interesting and informative session about creating a poetry spine.

12th March @ 4pm

Book here:


The Magic of Stories - creating awe and wonder through powerful storytelling

Aimed at ECT's, Class Teachers and English subject leads. Join Marlis Juerging-Coles, EY director at Linden Learning, for a webinar that will explore the powerful beauty of stories during personalised play.

20th March @ 4pm

Book here:


Developmental Language Disorder (DLD)

Aimed at ECT's, Class Teachers, SENDcos and TAs. Join consultant Loren Crisp for an exclusive webinar all about DLD. Understand the difficulties some children may have with talking and understanding words.

24th March @ 4pm

Book here:


Supporting Early Language (@ Strood Academy)

Aimed at Early Years and KS1 ECTs, Class Teachers, SENDcos and TAs.

Session 1 3rd March 1- 4pm - In this session find out about typical talk and what quality interactions and talk look like

Session 2 - 2nd April 1 - 4pm - In this second session explore how children learn words and strategies to develop early vocabulary

Book here:


Recorded Webinars

Below is a list of our online webinars which have been recorded. If you wish to gain access to any of the recordings please email 

Preparing for the Year 1 Phonics Screening Check

Phonics Foundations in Nursery

Making a Strong Start in Reception

An Introduction to the Reading Framework

Improving Literacy in Key Stage 2

Governor Training