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Kingsnorth Primary School

KingsnorthChurch of England Primary School

Year 1

My favourite five: Julia Donaldson – Books with Baby                              

Julia Donaldson Class                                                                   Kes Gray Class
Mrs Amos                                                                                             Mrs Maund 

Donaldson Class 1A                                                                        Gray Class 1M

Year 1 support staff - Mrs Moat, Mrs Potts and Miss Greeves

Welcome to Year 1's class page



Welcome to Year 1. We are looking forward to an exciting year of learning and fun. Here is some information that we hope you will find useful for this term, please make an appointment or email us should you have any other questions. 

All Are Welcome eBook : Penfold, Alexandra, Kaufman, Suzanne:  Books  

                   941 Bible Quote Children Royalty-Free ...

Ladbrooke JMI School - Year 1  

We hope you all had a happy, healthy break and are ready to continue your Year 1 journey. 

Please find information below about Term 3.


How I feel about my own maths ability | My teaching journey

Maths – In Maths we follow the White Rose hub scheme of learning.

This term we will start by looking at place value to 20. This will include counting forwards and backwards, understanding the value of the digits in the tens and ones columns, using manipulatives and maths items to support our learning and comparing numbers with 2 digits to 20.





St Joseph's Catholic Primary School - English

English – We follow Ruth Miskin's Read Write Inc

The children were all grouped just before the end of the term, and we will continue with Read Write Inc. These lessons will be taught daily in groups Monday to Friday. The children will then return to their own classes for a further English lesson to practice their skills. This term we will be focusing on using sounds to spell words we are unsure of, keeping our writing neat and using basic punctuation. 

To help at home you could.....

  • Practise the RWInc sounds
  • Encourage your child to read shorter words speedily
  • Listen to your child read daily
  • Practise correct letter formation (lower case and capital letters)
  • Talk to your child about any new vocabulary you come across in books
  • Support them to read, use and write the red words (e.g. my, saw, was, what, they)

Writing - We will be working on our handwriting and letter formation in our books to make sure we are presenting our work neatly. Another focus for this term will be to continue to use our sounds to spell new words, use the 'tricky, red words' we know from RWINc and working more independently to come up with ideas. 

Reading - We will be reading to the class every day and discussing words that are challenging or super exciting. This will help with comprehension and encourage the use of mature and rich language. The children also have a 20-minute reading session every day when they read their own books in a calm and quiet environment. 


Speedy reading videos:



RE - In RE we will be looking at Christianity. 

'What is the Good News Jesus Brings?' 


In RE this term we will be finding out the values of Christian lives. This will include forgiveness, finding peace, loving our neighbours and how God brings hope and joy. 


Physical Education 

This term we will be working on attacking and defending games in our outside session and Gymnastics for our indoor session.  It is really important that your child has come to school ready to take part in PE on the selected days. If the weather is chilly, please send your child in appropriate joggers for our outside PE. 

1A - PE days = Wednesday indoors and Friday outdoors - shorts, PE T-shirts, joggers if needed and school jumper/fleece

1M - PE day = Thursday indoors and Monday outdoors - shorts, PE T-shirts, joggers if needed and school jumper/fleece

Earrings may not be worn during PE lessons. Please remove them before school unless your child is able to remove them, themselves. Children wearing earrings will not be able to join in with the PE lesson. 

Wider curriculum

  Primary | Music | Music Express – Collins     Computing – St Joseph's Catholic Primary School  

Our learning this term will include - 

'What should I use for an Umbrella?'  Science 

Science (Exploring Everyday materials). During these lessons we will be finding out about the materials objects are made from and their characteristics, which materials are natural and which are man-made and evaluating the uses of some everyday materials.  

'Can we make all the colours of the rainbow?' - Art

In ART, we will be focusing on colour - primary and secondary, as well as mixing colours ourselves. We will also look at work by the artist Kandinsky.  

'How to be safe online?' - Computing 

During Computing (Safety online) we will look at rules for keeping ourselves safe and healthy when using technology.  

'Can you keep a steady beat and pitch? - Music

. In Music, we will be focusing on changing the beat and pitch of pieces of music and making our own beat. . 

'Where do I live?' - Geography

For Geography, we will be finding out about the UK and its countries, Kent and where it is on a map and what we have around us in Ashford. 


Primary and Secondary PSHE lessons fulfilling RSE | Jigsaw PSHE Ltd  


This term in PSHE, we are looking at the Jigsaw piece 'Dreams and Goals' -

'What sort of person do I want to be?'

This will include learning about setting ourselves personal goals, barriers to reaching our goals, how we work best and how to support ourselves as well as others. 


To support at home

*Please continue to talk to your child about any worries or concerns.
*Help your child to be more independent - ensure they dress themselves, pack their own bookbags and are responsible for their own things
*Practice letter and number formation when possible.
*Play games involving numbers - like snakes and ladders
*Play games to encourage turn taking and language development.
* Clearly label all jumpers, cardigans, shoes, water bottles, coats, lunch boxes, coats etc
*Keep us informed about any changes or important events in children's lives

*Read and listen to your child read whenever possible, daily for the best results

If you need to contact us, please do so - and put who the email is for in the subject bar - thank you :-)