Year 1
Donaldson Class 1A Gray Class 1M
Year 1 support staff - Mrs Moat, Mrs Potts and Miss Greeves
Welcome to Year 1's class page
Welcome to Year 1. We are looking forward to an exciting year of learning and fun. Here is some information that we hope you will find useful for this term, please make an appointment or email us should you have any other questions.
We hope you all had a happy, healthy break and are ready to start your Year 1 journey.
Please find information below about Term 1.
Maths – In Maths we follow the White Rose hub scheme of learning.
This term we will start by looking at place value to 10. Whilst we know many children can count and recognise numbers to 10, we will work on helping them to understand the numbers in more depth. This will include subitising, sorting, ordering, reading and writing the numbers in words and being able to answer problem-solving questions using them.
English – We follow Ruth Miskin's Read Write Inc
The children were all grouped just before the end of the term, and we will continue with Read Write Inc. These lessons will be taught daily in groups Monday to Friday. The children will then return to their own classes for a further English lesson to practice their skills. This term we will be focusing on using sounds to spell words we are unsure of, keeping our writing neat and using basic punctuation.
To help at home you could.....
- Practise the RWInc sounds
- Encourage your child to read shorter words speedily
- Listen to your child read daily
- Practise correct letter formation (lower case and capital letters)
- Talk to your child about any new vocabulary you come across in books
- Support them to read, use and write the red words (e.g. my, saw, was, what, they)
Writing - We will be working on our handwriting and letter formation in our books to make sure we are presenting our work neatly. Our other focus will be using the phonics we know to write words in basic sentences. The children will also be shown how to spell the tricky words from subjects and books we read.
Reading - We will be reading to the class every day and discussing words that are challenging or super exciting. This will help with comprehension and encourage the use of mature and rich language. The children also have a 20-minute reading session every day when they read their own books in a calm and quiet environment.
RE - In RE we will be looking at Christianity.
'What do Christians believe God is like?'
In RE this term we will be finding out about the Parables in the Bible and what they mean to us. This will include hearing stories and thinking about the morals within them and how they can teach us how to lead our lives.
Physical Education
This term we will be working on throwing and catching. It is really important that your child has come to school ready to take part in PE on the selected days. If the weather is chilly, please send your child in appropriate joggers for our outside PE. However, if it becomes warm, please send in a named sunhat.
1A - PE days = Wednesday indoors and Friday outdoors - shorts, PE T-shirts, joggers if needed and school jumper/fleece
1M - PE day = Thursday indoors and Monday outdoors - shorts, PE T-shirts, joggers if needed and school jumper/fleece
Earrings may not be worn during PE lessons. Please remove them before school unless your child is able to remove them, themselves. Children wearing earrings will not be able to join in with the PE lesson.
Wider curriculum
Our learning this term will include -
'Will it rain more in the Autumn or the Spring?' Science
Science (Seasonal change). During these lessons we will be finding out about the 4 seasons in the UK, naming different types of weather and learning symbols seen on weather forecasts.
'How can I draw lines, patterns and textures?' - Art
In ART, we will be focusing on mark making, drawing patterns and the artist Paul Klee.
'How does Hector keep us safe?' - Computing
During Computing (Safety online) we will look at how to keep ourselves safe when using devices.
'How can I use my voice and keep a beat? - Music
. In Music, we will be focusing on changing our voices and keeping a beat.
'Who am I?' - History
For History, we will be finding out about how things have changed since we were little, what life was like for our parents/grandparents and how things change over time.
This term in PSHE, we are looking at the Jigsaw piece 'Being me in my world' -
'Who am I and how do I fit in?'
This will include learning about how we belong to different groups, what our responsibilities are within our class and how we choose to behave.
To support at home
*Read and listen to your child read whenever possible, daily for the best results!
If you are worried about your child and their speech or language development, please have a look at the link for the Parents Portal on Speech and Language Link below
If you need to contact us, please do so - and put who the email is for in the subject bar - thank you :-)