Year 3
Blackman Class - 3B Percival Class - 3G
Miss Bowman Miss Gore
Miss Smith, Mrs Buczkowska and Mrs Williams will be working within both classes.
Term 2
Welcome to the Year 3 page! We hope you had a restful break and are looking forward to an exciting term of learning and fun. We hope you find the information below helpful, it should give you an insight as to what your child will be focusing on this term across the curriculum. Our termly newsletter is also attached below with further information as well as key dates. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us on the Year 3 email account -
We follow ‘White Rose Maths’. In Maths, In Maths we will be learning Place Value, the worth of each individual digit in a number. This is a very important 3 week block which underpins so many aspects of Maths. The second half of the term sees us advancing from Year 2 work on addition and subtraction and will be looking at using the column method.
Below is the Year 3 scheme of learning for the upcoming year. Sometimes we may spend longer consolidating certain topics and the order in which we learn them may change slightly. However, this gives you an insight as to the topics the children will be covering this year.
We will be working from the book ‘Arthur and the Golden Rope’ by Joe Todd-Stanton. This exciting picture book is about mythical artefacts and creatures, and fantastic adventures! In our Writing lessons, we will be creating our very own fairytales.
We will be learning about animals including humans. Our enquiry this term is ‘How do animals including humans function?’. We will We will learn that animals need the right types and amount of nutrition, and that they cannot make their own food; they get nutrition from what they eat. They will also learn how to identify that humans and some other animals have skeletons and muscles for support, protection and movement.
Physical Education
PE will be on a Monday and Wednesday afternoon for Year 3, please make sure your child has the appropriate PE kit and no earrings on PE day. Our sports are Gymnastics and Cricket. Children need their indoro and outdoor kit. Boys and girls will change in separate classrooms.
Religious Education
In RE this term we will be looking at ‘Christianity’ and the topic of ‘Incarnation’. Our key question is: What is the Trinity? Here the children will learn about the belief of the Holy Trinity – God as the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. They will look at how Christians show their beliefs about God the Trinity in worship and how it helps guide their own beliefs and actions in life.
Our enquiry for this term is- ‘How are volcanoes formed?’ We will be learning about the structure of the Earth and tectonic plates, and how volcanoes are formed. We will use maps to locate active and dormant volcanoes around the Earth, and will use our geographic skills to discuss why people choose to settle near volcanoes.
PSHE (Jigsaw)
This term in PSHE, we are looking at the Jigsaw piece 'Celebrating Difference' -
This term we are focussing on Celebrating Differences, and looking at what makes us unique. We are learning how to show respect for similarities and differences, and what to do if we see someone being bullied.
How you can help at home: - Encourage your child to practise their times tables. In class, we will begin by recapping 2s, 5s, 10s and 3s.
3 Times Table song:
4 Times Table song:
Listen to your child read daily. Ask questions to develop their comprehension and inference skills.
Spelling Shed - spelling practise, we will assign a spelling rule for children to practise at home. We will be practising these in school too.
Online Safety for your child.
Please click on the link below to access advice on how you can keep your child safe online, including a helpful tool to support you in having the right conversations about online safety. Also included on the site are a list of activities that you can do with your child at home.
Reading skills:
There are question mats and reading skills sheets attached to the bottom for any learning surrounding reading.