How we prioritise our support
We have not set an eligibility cap for support, which means that any school that applies is eligible for support.
In Academic Year 2023/2024 the English Hub can fund any school where, in their professional judgement, supported by audit outcomes, the schools can benefit from English Hub funding but we will prioritise schools which meet at least two of the following criteria:
- Primary schools with lower-than-average Phonics Screening Check scores for disadvantaged pupils. Schools with the lowest phonics scores for disadvantaged pupils.
- Primary schools where the bottom 20% of children are not on course to reach the expected standard (indicated through regular phonics assessment in school)
- Primary schools with a lower-than-average percentage of pupils meeting the expected standard in the Phonics Screening Check (79% met the standard in 2023)
- Primary schools with a higher-than-average proportion of children eligible for pupil premium (2022/23 the pupil premium national average is 24.3%)
- Primary schools that sit in an EIA or PEIA (see list below)
- Wave 1 and Wave 2 partner schools in PEIAs who have experienced significant systemic change since leaving the programme and have failed to realise and/or maintain improvement in SSP scores.
- Primary schools with a high proportion of groups considered hard to reach such as English as an Additional Language (EAL), Free School Meals (FSM) and travellers.
- Schools referred by local partners, e.g. National Leaders in Education (NLEs), Regional Schools Commissioners (RSCs), Local Authorities (LAs)
- Primary schools where standards in phonics are identified as area for development through Ofsted inspection findings.
- Primary schools where there is a risk of declining standards in phonics.
We will assess the school’s capacity for improvement, based on our assessment of any other relevant support the school is receiving and information the school provides about what it hopes to achieve through the programme.
List of Educational Investment Areas (EIAs) covered by Kingsnorth English Hub
- East Sussex
List of Priority Educational Investment Areas (PEIAs) covered by Kingsnorth English Hub
- Hastings