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Kingsnorth Primary School

KingsnorthChurch of England Primary School

Year 5

Term 3–2025

To support your child, please ensure frequent practise of times tables, spellings using Spelling Shed and reading with your children at least three times a week. Please get them to read aloud to support fluency and expression.

With British weather and school life being subject to change, please ensure PE kits are always in school so that we can adapt the timetable when necessary. We will have two PE sessions a week: Tag Rugby on a Tuesday and then Swimming on a Thursday. 

On the right, you will see a folder containing most of our subject organisers for this term. These will help you have conversations with your children about their learning as well as support their recall and retention of new vocabulary. Maths and English subject organisers will be added as we move through the topics. 


It is hugely important that your child knows their multiplication and division facts up to 12 x 12. We will be focusing on formal written methods and to reduce mental workload, knowing these facts will support your children. You can also find support to complete your home learning tasks in our Maths curriculum area, where it shows you the methods we use to teach the different skills we have taught throughout the week. 


In this Puzzle, the class talk about their dreams and goals and how they might need money to help them achieve them. They look at jobs that people they know do, they look at the fact that some jobs pay more money than others and reflect on what types of jobs they might like to do when they are older. The children look at the similarities and differences between themselves (and their dreams and goals) and someone from a different culture.

Should you require any further information, please email and one of the team will be pleased to help you.

If you need any logins for home learning activities or any support, do contact us at:]