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Kingsnorth Primary School

KingsnorthChurch of England Primary School

An Introduction to Year R

Welcome to parents of children starting Year R in September 2024

You are so welcome to our Kingsnorth Family!
Please see relevant information for new Year R parents on the right.

We will be using this page to upload any information about transition this year as it is likely to be significantly different from previous years.  Please rest assured that we are working hard to put together a transition process that will allow your child to get to know the staff and feel happy about starting school.

Please check back frequently for updated information.

The following weblinks might be useful for preparing your child to start school:

BBC Starting Primary School Guide

Topsy and Tim - First Day at School

New Parents Presentation

During the children's first transition session, there was a presentation in the hall to parents. If you would like to view this again, please click on the link below. 

New Parent Presentation

Transition Booklet

You will shortly be receiving you child's book bag which will have lots of transition information in it including pictures of the Year R staff to help your child begin to get to know their teachers.