Early Years
A day in the life of Year R
In Year R children follow the EYFS curriculum which is covered under 17 areas of learning and development, these are:
From their first day children will begin to learn phonics through the Read, Write, Inc programme. More information about this can be found on the literacy subject area page. There are also teacher-directed maths sessions each day, these usually starts off as a short 10 minute session but soon build up to an hour, with children being taught in small focus groups. Children also have a taught session of PE and RE each week. The rest of the curriculum is taught through Learning Challenge topics during Child Initiated time.
Child Initiated Activity:
An activity is child-initiated when the child engages in it by choice using the resources that are available, or when a child takes ownership of an activity provided by adults by changing its focus.
Adults may capitalise on these interests by providing further resources and by engaging in the activity with the child/children to observe and assess the learning that is taking place.
Teacher Directed Activity:
A teacher/adult-led activity has a specific focus and is planned by the adult to encourage a particular aspect of learning, to discuss a particular topic or to provide an opportunity to learn a particular skill. The adult may introduce the material, skill or idea, initiate the activity, and may direct elements of the learning. However, once introduced the activity may provide an opportunity for children to practise on their own to modify it.