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Kingsnorth Primary School

KingsnorthChurch of England Primary School

MTC - Multiplication Timestables Check

Times tables underpin the whole of the Key Stage 2 curriculum. Without them, lots of the units we teach can become difficult for children as they have to not only work out the times tables, but also think about the method. This means that their working memory is being stretched. 

To develop your child's Times tables knowledge please practice every night for 5 minutes. Find their sticky facts - the parts they struggle on - and talk about how we can work them out using other facts they do know. 

Use doubling and halving to work out other times tables. For example: If a child knows their 2 x tables, they can work out their 4 x tables by doubling. If they know their 4 x tables, they can work out their 8 x tables by doubling. 3, 6 and 12 are also linked in this way. We use this to show the links. To learn 11 x tables, we would say that this is one more group of.... than 10 times. 

image0.jpeg is a helpful website to break down the times table and use their 5 step method to learn them. is helpful for practising the speed and layout of the MTC using a computer. This will familiarise children with the format of the test.